In this section you will find detailed step–by–step instructions on how to install and configure FluencyCoach Pro on your computer. If you are still having technical problems or have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Operating System: FluencyCoach Pro is available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Additional Software: Microsoft's DirectX version 8 or above needs to be installed on your computer. Most newer Windows PCs already have the most recent DirectX version installed. If yours does not, you can download a free copy of DirectX here.
Hardware: A sound card supporting full–duplex mode is required. Most modern sound cards support this mode and most likely yours does too. If not, you can obtain updated drivers from manufacturer or upgrade your sound card.
Peripherals: You will need headphones and a microphone. A headset combining microphone and stereo headphones would be your best option.
Insert CD to begin installation or open the downloaded file. The installation wizard will guide you through the process. Once installation is complete, connect your headset and launch FluencyCoach Pro.
The first time you start FluencyCoach Pro, you will be presented with a window showing your machine ID and a field to enter your registration key. Copy or write down your machine ID and fill out the registration form. Once we receive the machine ID and your ASHA number we will send you an email containing your registration key. Copy or write down this code and enter it into the registration key field and follow the instructions on screen.
Once the application is initiated, connect your headset and set the “Altered Auditory Feedback” button to ON. Make sure that you hear your voice when you speak and try different Delay and Pitch setting to make sure your voice is changed accordingly.
If you get the “Could Not Initialize DirectX” error message, you will need to install the latest Microsoft's DirectX component. You can download a free copy of DirectX here. Reboot your system after installation is complete. You may alse get an error message "MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser is not installed on this machine". If you receive this message, following the installation wizard to install the necessary software.
If there were no error messages, but you still cannot hear your voice, or if the Delay or Shift do not seem to work, you will have to manually adjust your computer's sound settings. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us
If you are experiencing crackling, staticky sound output while using the software, and are using a quality headset combining headphones and a noise-isolation microphone, you may need to adjust your sound card settings by muting the input monitor in the Volume Control settings panel. This problem frequently occurs on Windows PCs equipped with SigmaTel or SoundMax sound cards. Please follow the steps below to attempt to fix this problem.
Windows XP- Access the "Volume Control" panel. The access control panel can be accessed by double-clicking the speaker icon in the status bar, or via the "Control Panel")
- On the "Volume Control" panel, check "Mute" under "Input Monitor".
- Access "Speakers / Headphones Properties" dialogue window through the "Control Panel"
- Switch to the "Levels" tab
- Disable the "Input Monitor"
Please be advised:
- This software is strictly to be used for clinician use, to help determine if a person who stutters can be aided by the fluency-enhancing effects of choral speech.
- Since there are many factors which affect fluency, individual results may vary.
- We strongly recommend the involvement of a Speech Language Pathologist for ANY fluency treatment program.